Privacy Policy

This information describes the methods and purposes of collecting and processing certain Personal Data by this APP. The contact details will also be indicated to request access, modification or deletion of personal data at any time.

The Privacy Policy is applied every time an User navigates through the pages of the APP "Ritardo Aereo" and all online activities through it.

The processing of Personal Data of users of this APP will be carried out in Italy in compliance with:

  • General Regulation on Data Protection EU 2016/679 (GDPR)
  • The Italian Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003, regarding the Protection of Personal Data
  • The recommendation n. 2/2001 of the European Data Protection Authorities, to identify the minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online.


The Data Controller and the third party service providers used by it, unless otherwise specified, collect the User Data for the following purposes:

Explicit consent to the use of the APP:

  • satisfy the contracts stipulated with the User
  • contact and respond to requests sent by the User
  • collect statistical usage data

With the explicit and optional consent by the User, the purposes of:
sending commercial information via email, surveys on customer satisfaction, market research, promotional activities in general, profiling and analysis of the browsing experience for marketing and promotional purposes.

Owner and Data Controller

Following consultation of this APP, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The Data Owter of the processing of such data is:

OnAir srl

P.iva: 08219821215


Each person has the right to the protection of their personal data and in compliance with this right this Privacy Policy provides any useful information to understand how to collect and use the information that identifies users of the APP.

The Owner undertakes to comply with a principle of strict necessity in the processing of data that may identify the User, even indirectly.
The Owner does not collect and treat in any way "sensitive data" according the definition of Reg.UE 679/2016.
Users' Personal Data will be processed by the Data Controller by taking appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.

The APP has been configured so that the use of personal data is reduced to the minimum necessary and makes use of anonymous data whenever it is possible to pursue the same purposes.

Collected data form this APP

The types of Personal Data collected and used for each purpose are indicated in the specific sections of this document.

Dati Personali forniti volontariamente dall'Utente

Respond to the request for assistance, as defined in the purposes and in the contract with the customer

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this APP or through pages / areas used for this function, involves the subsequent acquisition of the address / delivery of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other data personal or not, included in the message.

The User assumes the responsibility of the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this APP and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the owner from any responsibility towards third parties.

An example of such data are: Flight information, Name, Surname, E-mail, Telephone number, Address, ZIP code, Province, Country, State, requests and additional data.

Data collected from third-party services

This APP does not use third-party services, but to achieve the purposes indicated in the respective section, the Owner reserves at any time to be able to claim third-party services.

To find out about any third-party services used and their respective use policies, you can forward a request to the contacts of the Owner at any time.


This APP does not use cookies.

Cookies are installed inside the browser while browsing a Website and may contain various information, some of which may allow us to identify User preferences.
The use of Cookies - or of other tracking tools - unless otherwise specified, is aimed at identifying the User and recording the relative preferences for the required purposes or for statistical purposes.

For more information refer to the data processed by third-party services.

Data processing, sharing and methods

The Data Controller, in compliance with regulations, processes the Personal Data of Users by adopting appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data.

The processing is carried out through IT and / or telematic tools, automated tools and with organizational and logical methods strictly related to the purposes indicated.

It is guaranteed by law that the processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and the dignity of the person concerned, in particular as regards the secrecy, personal identity and the right to protection of the same.

Personal Data will be processed exclusively by persons in charge of processing specifically authorized and controlled by the Data Controller:

  • employees in charge of the company organization:
    administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators
  • external subjects:
    administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators...
  • competent authorities:
    law enforcement or with other governmental authorities in cases provided for by law or if strictly necessary to prevent, detect or prosecute any criminal acts and fraud.

External parties may also be appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller.

In addition to the companies that act as data processors, the Personal Data are also made available to third parties, independent data controllers, for ancillary purposes related to the provision of the requested services.

The updated list of managers can always be requested at any time at the email address of the owner.

Place and communication of data

The Data are processed at the operational headquarters of the Data Controller and in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information, contact the owner.

The User's Personal Data may be transferred to a country other than that in which the User is located, in any case they will never be transferred outside the countries belonging to the European Union, unless safeguard clauses are guaranteed or equal levels of protection of Personal Data.

The transfer will be made only to pursue Commercial Purposes agreed upon explicit request by the User.

Retention period

The Data are processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected.

In particular:

  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the Owner and the User will be retained until the execution of the contract is completed.
  • Personal Data collected for purposes related to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be retained until such interest is met.

When the processing is based on the consent of the User, the Data Controller may retain the Personal Data for a longer period until such consent is revoked. Furthermore, the Data Controller may be obliged to keep Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or an order of an authority. At the end of the retention period the Personal Data will be deleted.


The User can know his rights, request further information and be up-to-date on the legislation regarding the protection of persons with regard to the processing of Personal Data by consulting the APP of the Guarantor for the protection of Personal Data at the address .

The User has the right to:

  • Revoke a previously expressed consent to the processing of personal data.
  • Oppose to the processing of it data, if it occurs on a legal basis other than consent.
  • Access to data and obtain all the information on the Data processed by the Data Controller.
    The data will be provided by a copy of the Data in a format in common use, and readable by automatic device.
  • Verify and request the correction of your data.
  • Obtain the limitation of treatment, if certain conditions are met. In this case, the Data Controller will not process the Data for any other purpose other than its conservation.
  • Request cancellation or removal (oblivion) of your Personal Data.
  • Transferring data to another Data Controller, where technically feasible, obtaining or requesting the forwarding of data in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device. This provision is applicable when the Data are processed with automated tools and the processing is based on the User's consent, on a contract of which the User is a party or on contractual measures connected to it.
  • Propose a complaint to the competent personal data protection authority or act in court.

The users may exercise their rights at any time by forwarding the request to the Owner ad Data Controller.

Defense in court

The User's Personal Data may be used for the defense by the Owner in court or in the stages leading to its possible establishment, by abuse in the use of the same or related services by the User.

The User is aware that the Data Controller may be required to disclose the Data at the request of the public authorities.

Legal obligations

The Owner reserves the right to access, store and share information with regulatory bodies, law enforcement agencies or other subjects in the following cases:

  • In response to a legal request, in terms of good faith and within the time limits set by law.
  • For all cases where it is necessary to detect, prevent and resolve unauthorized uses of the Services or Products provided or sold by this APP, in order to detect violations of our contractual or regulatory conditions.
  • In order to detect harmful or illegal activities, to protect the activity, in relation to the Owner of the Activity, the User and / or Third Parties.

The data that is collected can be consulted and stored for a prolonged period of time when they are the subject of a legal proceeding or obligation, a government investigation or investigations regarding possible violations of our conditions or regulations or to avoid damage.

We may also retain the Data for at least one year in order to avoid repetition of improper use or other violations of the conditions.

Applicable laws

This Privacy Policy is governed by the aforementioned GDPR and the Italian law in force, which govern the processing of personal data - also held abroad - carried out by anyone who is resident or is based in a country of the European Community.

The GDPR guarantees that the processing of personal data will be carried out respecting the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the interested party, with particular reference to privacy, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

Policy changes and updates

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify, in whole or in part, this Privacy Policy also in consideration of regulatory updates that protect the rights of Users.

Changes and updates to the Privacy Policy will be binding as soon as they are published in this section. We therefore ask you to regularly access this section to check the publication of the most recent and updated version of the Privacy Policy.

Legal notices

All documentation retrievable from this APP has been created and checked with the utmost care but the user is always required to check its accuracy and is responsible for its use.
In the event of defects, liability for direct or indirect damages suffered by the User or by third parties due to the use or non-use of the information collected is not attributable.
Although the contents of these pages are subject to continuous updating and verification, errors and / or omissions may still occur.

By accessing this APP, the User implicitly declares to have read, understood and accepted the information on Legal Notice and Privacy and declares to comply with all applicable laws and regulations..

Last modified: Friday 14 September 2018